Our Exciting Features

Advanced Applicant Tracking

Advanced Applicant Tracking

    • Sources better talent
    • Sorting suitable applications
    • Reduces hustle
    • Better recruitment process
Interview Management

Interview Management

    • Easy interview scheduling
    • Reduces wrong scheduling
    • Reduces efforts
    • Better experience for candidates
Automatic Resume Process

Automatic Resume Process

    • Hassle-free search
    • Saves records
    • Easy search
    • Automatic downloads
Performance Management

Performance Management

    • Tracks employee’s performance
    • Evaluates quality of their work
    • Evaluates regularity
    • Evaluates efficiency
Automates Your Recruitment

Automates Your Recruitment

    • Automate hiring process
    • Generate transparent reports
    • Enhance productivity
    • Maximize business efficiency
Generates HR Letters

Generates HR Letters

    • Flexible and Quick Management
    • Streamlines HR tasks
    • Generate real-time reports
    • Maintain payroll records
In-built Skill Tests

In-built Skill Tests

    • Enables better decisions
    • Easy to evaluate a candidate's skills
    • Automated scoring
    • Instant results
AI-based Resume Parsing

AI-based Resume Parsing

    • Easy analysis
    • Easy storage
    • Saves time
    • Increases transparency
Email Campaigns

Email Campaigns

    •  Easy bulk mailing
    • Removes confusion
    • Saves time
    • Better engagement
Calling Feature

Calling Feature

    • Instant conversation
    • Intuitive calling
    • Better evaluation
    • Reduces hassle
Email Reading & Filters

Email Reading & Filters

    • Read emails from multiple accounts
    • Email parsing
    • Filter spam emails
Vacancy Management

Vacancy Management

    • Create new vacancies
    • Approve Workflow
    • Receive Applications
    • Promote jobs
Background Check

Background Check

    • Streamline hiring
    • Maintains transparency
    • Enhances productivity
    • Lowers hassle