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Biggest Challenges And Solutions In Talent Acquisition Process – 2023

The recruitment landscape has changed a lot in the past few years. All the changes happening in the industry have given rise to various challenges. One such challenge is hiring the right candidate for the job.  The success of any business is determined by its products, services, and employees.  Talented and hard-working employees help the organization succeed. It is one of the reasons why most organizations invest a lot in talent acquisition. But recruiting and retaining employees is one of the challenging tasks for every organization.  Even in 2...

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Importance Of Performance Management In Talent Management System

Today, businesses are scaling fast, becoming diverse and agile, and measuring success in numerous ways. With the continuous evolution of technologies, roles, and expectations are changing at a faster rate. The world is becoming more digital, changing the employee-employer relationship. It is great to track the activities at a macro scale, but paying attention to detail for every employee is vital.  According to Gartner, 82% of employees say that they w...

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How AI Is Revolutionising The Talent Management Industry?

With the constant changes occurring in technology, the HR industry has been impacted greatly. Organizations are looking for different technologies that can help them improve their recruitment processes. One such technology that is changing the future of businesses is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is changing the ways businesses operate and has affected the talent industry as well. Moreover, with the changes occurring in the industry, there are a lot of gaps that were seen in the talent management industry. Hence, it has become crucial for the talent industry to opt for AI, as i...

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SiliconIndia Recognized jiTALENT As One Of The Most Promising HR Solution Providers In 2023

jiTALENT is an AI-driven recruitment tool that helps management hire better, faster, and smarter. It is a matter of great pride for us that jiTALENT has been named one of the top ten most promising HR solution providers for 2023 in the list of SiliconIndia.   The journey of jiTALENT started with the vision of empowering businesses to recruit the right candidate for the job. Aiming toward our vision, we worked with full dedication and sincerity a...

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Build Your Employer Brand with Applicant Tracking System

Spending your precious time over the wrong candidates is such a pain for the hiring team members. Isn’t it? Taking out time from their busy schedules and interviewing the candidate which doesn’t fit the profile is actually a complete wastage of HR and the candidates too. However, with the evolution in technology trends, there emerged smart Applicant Tracking Systems which lets you stay out of the hassle and carry out hiring in a more easier, and a better way. Also, job seekers are becoming more strategic while choosing their career and the firm to buil...

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Applicant Tracking System: The Recruitment Marketing Machine

Are you heading the Human Resource Department of your organization? How do you undergo the process of hiring and recruitment of the right talent in your organization? In today's world of internet and technology, there are many updated tools and software that is built with the objective of making the HR process easy and seamless. Among many, the applicant tracking system (ATS) is the best and most important tool that reduces time and efforts in tracking and hiring the best candidate for your organization. ATS is a software t...

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Talent Management Software: User's Report

Talent management software encompasses everything from hiring and onboarding to employee development and retention. It helps businesses manage current employees, in addition to assisting with the hiring phase. Many businesses nowadays want to accelerate their business growth and for this, they are relying more and more on technologies. They tend to incorporate technology on every platform, including the HR processes. Talent management software is gaining huge fame as it helps in automating and optimizing the HR processes. The software helps businesses to achi...

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Top Recruitment Challenges Which Chatbots Can Solve

Imagine you had a robot who could schedule interviews, manage payrolls, and do other HR related tasks on your behalf. WOW. This would simply reduce your burden while making lives more simple and easy. This is exactly what chatbots & artificial intelligence have brought in our lives. Automating the human tasks, understanding human psychology & emotions and a lot more can be managed with AI and chatbots. Introduction of chatbots have brought a revolution in this tech world and all the major industries have welcomed this invention.

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