Our Blog

Types of Hiring Bias and How to Avoid Them

Consciously or unconsciously there is hiring bias attached to each decision we make. Settling on the correct choice while hiring is essential to any organization as it will decide whether the new hire will be an ideal match for the required aptitudes, the team attitude, and the organizational culture. Today, technology and data have been of enormous help while making recruitment decisions. We have more data, and we can combine this data to settle on the best possible choice for any occasion. Nevertheless, the ones who...

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Make Your Hiring Process Better With Online Tests!

Do you remember when was the last time you made a reminder on a sticky note regarding your meeting in the evening? None of you would say a yes because we all set reminders on our smartphones instead of writing it down. Right? Reason being we have switched to automated technology in a matter of seconds. The technology evolution has streamlined all sectors, may it be healthcare, manufacturing, automobiles, and what not. Along with the race so did the hiring process automated! Want to know how? Here we have a blog to describe the influence of technology in the hiring...

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The Secret of Perfect and Quick Hiring in ToXSL Technologies!!

About ToXSL ToXSL Technologies is a renowned IT company which deals in Mobile and web application development sector. It has been dealing in the industry for the last 6 years and has successfully acquired around 1100+ customers worldwide. They have been using jiTalent for the last one year and have really felt the transformation in their hiring process. ToXSL Technologies was our first client to use jiTalent and is successfully using it till date. Recently, we c...

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Implementing a Quality Candidate Experience in Your Organization

To attract top talent, you have to give an incredible candidate experience and leave a positive impression at each touchpoint during the recruitment process. Giving a quality candidate experience is directly identified with recruitment and bottom line success. But, how would you know you are conveying a good experience? Or on the other hand, maybe more vitally, how would you know whether you have to audit and enhance it? Determining what you are doing great and what you could enhance are both basic parts of the HR work. You may...

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Overcoming the Top HR Challenges

Understanding the human psychology has been a complex and the toughest task. When it comes to choosing one individual out of thousands it becomes tricky to identify the deserving one. Afterall, he’s going to represent your organization in future, we just can’t risk it and let go. If chosen wrong, it becomes a wastage of time, capital, efforts, and labor. So, there seems an inevitable need for an automated intelligent system which identifies the best candidates with full accuracy and 0% chances of mistake. To address...

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Tackling CV Fraud Smartly!

Have you at any point had a candidate who looked perfect on paper, however, at the end of the day failed to meet expectations on their part? In some cases, if a candidate's past experience looks pipe dream, it is. During the employing procedure organizations of all sizes from small business to multinational corporations can succumb to candidates with fake CVs. Not exclusively does it hold up the hiring procedure, CV fraud can also undermine the reputation of an organization. Here’s how to spot and avoid it w...

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Reasons Why Customers Choose "jiTalent" As Their Talent Management System

Choosing a talent management system is as daunting as it’s ever been. Not only are there more systems to choose from, there is also more commonality than ever among features and functions in these next-generation systems. But there are ways to reliably separate pretenders from contenders, according to experts. Here are some points that encourage customers to choose jiTalent as their talent management system.  Modern User Experience: It is not unrealistic to desire your consumer technology e...

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Social Media Indulges in Talent Management System

Exploring the best employees for your business is the first crucial step towards the success of your business. If not carried out correctly, your company’s reputation definitely goes down in the market. The latest strategy adopted by the market influencers to choose the correct candidates for their business is- “Talent Management System”. To stay in the race, you just can’t skip this concept. HR managers and executives need to focus on some smart tacts to attain the business goals.

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