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Reasons Why Job Portals Aren’t Always Perfect

Searching for a job is no more a difficult task. Getting hired is a different thing, but looking for the jobs in the preferred field has become easily viable these days. There are endless job portals available in the job market these days where you get a huge number of jobs, either matching your job or even other ones too. Agree? But, you might have heard job seekers complaining that they fail to find the appropriate job suggestion on these portals. This is true, in spite of providing various job portals, still, they fail to me...

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Artificial Intelligence Impacting Talent Management Solutions

Hiring has been one of the key focus areas for any organization for a considerable length of time. Let us understand how recruiting era has changed over this period. If we talk about the 1970s, recruiting as a process was more Employer centric which included a lot of individualized touches, phone and networks, high agency reliance and a ton of expenses. Looking at the circumstance now, the 2010s, we have moved to a world which is more relationship-centric and is known as the digitization time wherein you have the rise...

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Why Employer Branding is Necessary for Efficient Hiring?

The competition amongst companies to attract and recruit the ideal talent remains unbeatable. Isn't it? And why not, it is a necessity in the industry to stay ahead of the competitors while hiring the right talent for your organization. And along this whole way, good employer branding indicates the success of your organization. Aren't aware of employer branding? No worries! Let's have a quick view of what is employer branding and how it affects the hiring process. What is employer branding?

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Trending Tips to Hire the Right Talent for Startup Businesses

Identifying and then recruiting the right talent has been the most difficult task. And mostly in the case of startups, hiring process leaves the HR's in a big dilemma that how to carry out effective hiring. And during the startup stage of a business, it is very necessary to hire the right talent to create an identity of their business in the industry. Agree? So, it is just not done if you fail to identify the right candidates for your organization. Hiring for startup businesses Most of the startup owners feel th...

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Effective Ways to Make Your Employee Referral Program Successful

Ever referred a friend while hiring is going on in your company? Maybe you would have done that at least once. Isn't it? And if you are the hiring team member, then you can get an idea that what a relief you get when you get a candidate referred from one of the employees. No doubt that the employee referral programs help you in saving time and make hiring simpler for you, but there are cases where the employee referral programs might fail due to certain hidden reasons. According to a 

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Reasons to Opt for a New Recruitment Management System

As you review your organization's legacy enterprise systems, this could be a great time to consider revamping your recruitment technology and upgrade to a more advanced recruitment management system. With technology advancements progressions driving the way, recruiting methods are being compelled to adapt to the newer ways in which people and companies interact with one another. Your recruitment management system is a key player in your interactions with people interested in applying to your open positions.

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Developing an Effective Talent Management Strategy Plan

Numerous HR teams battle to figure a talent management strategy that maps out their goals and needs for the year and binds these to their organizations' plan and goals. The HR team is not seen as playing a vital role in their organization, and talent management activities are not given the organizational importance they should have. Often the hardest part is starting with the right framework for the strategy and plan. To help you, this article walks through the typical steps in a strategic planning process, so you can use them to draft your own HR talent manag...

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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Recruitment in the Future

Technology is improving at a quick pace and companies are finding more effective approaches to accomplish basic tasks. The coming impact of PCs and machines on the workforce is a hot topic as technology will soon do more than working quicker and stronger than humans. The rise of artificial intelligence will soon be able to do the most complexed work in a matter of seconds.  While there is not much information available on the impact of AI on recruiters, most reports have HR experts being safe from replacement. Th...

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