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Heading towards Cloud-based HR solution

Being an HR, do you remember when was the last time you scheduled two interviews at the same time? Maybe you had that experience a long time back. Isn't it? Thanks to the advancement in technology trends and updates which streamlined all the hiring tasks. May it be conducting multiple interviews at a time, scheduling upcoming interviews, mass mailing, maintaining updated reminders, everything has become automated via talent management software. 

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Make Your Employees Stay Longer In Your Organization

Hiring and retaining new employees are daunting tasks for most organizations for a variety of reasons. To begin, many are battling with major skills shortages and even sourcing the proper talent to fill open positions can be a daunting task. And then, the hiring process in organizations frequently takes so long that new employees either accept another job instead or leave within an initial couple of months. Resignations that happen within the initial three to six months of employment are known as "quick quits,&qu...

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Significant Role of ERP in Talent Management System!

Identifying the right talent and the best suitable candidates for your organization is no more a difficult task. All thanks to the evolution of technology which presented us amazing talent management systems to streamline hiring. Hiring has now become easy, accurate, and quick with no hassle and pain. May it be employee tracking, automated recruitment, attachment download, reminders for upcoming interviews, scheduling interviews, or even mass mailing has become easy just because of talent management systems. ERP into t...

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Improving the Employee Experience in Your Organization

The employee experience in an organization matters a lot. However, numerous organizations do not invest sufficient time and resources ensuring their employee experience is very much designed and aligned with organizational culture. To guarantee that employee experience stays relevant and valuable, it is essential to assess the procedure. Furthermore, that does not mean the assessment process should be costly or lengthy. In a survey led by 

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Blockchain Technology: Accelerating the Hiring Process!

Forget about the major industries where technology has proved itself! Even the homes have become automated in the recent time. And obviously, all credit goes to the evolution of technology we are experiencing. Is it all hype? Is it indicating us to the next level of technology world? Then what about the HR industry? Is the HR industry also undergoing any such transformation or not? We have answers to all your questions! And if you already had any of these questions in your mind, then this blog is ultimately for you!

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Must have features for your talent management software

Are you still struggling during your hiring sessions by making a call to every candidate you find suitable for the post? Is your HR team still struggling while scheduling multiple interviews each day? Are they having difficulty while preparing employee performance appraisals? Are they unable to manage the huge paperwork of all the employee documents? If your answer is a yes, then you are in the right place! This blog is totally for the ones having issues with their hiring and recruitment process. We have a perfect solution for you which will overcome all the above...

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Is Your Recruitment Process Costing You Time and Money?

Hiring a new employee, while being critical to an organization's continuous success, can regularly be a long and tiring process. According to a Glassdoor study conducted on almost 83,921 interview reviews, organizations require a normal of 23 days to screen and hire a new employee. So, what are the effects of this...

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Benefits of Implementing Applicant Tracking System!

Being an HR it has never been easy while hiring an ideal candidate. Wasting time on the wrong and ineligible candidates are such a pain for the HR team. Agree? In order to tackle all these HR-related problems, many of the organizations took benefit of the talent management software which comprises an automated applicant tracking system to streamline all the CV-related operations.   An Automated Applicant Tracking System

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