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How Delay in Recruitment can Harm your Organization?

It has never been an easy task while you are set out to choose the best candidate out of all. Isn't it? You already have a mindset that the candidate must have all these qualities and skills as expected by you. However, there are chances that you are expecting more and might not end up in getting the perfect candidate. Thereby, you get stuck in a delayed recruitment while searching for the perfect candidate.  Risks of delay in the recruitment process

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Mistakes to Avoid When Using Social Media for Hiring

Utilizing social media for business and, more particularly, for recruitment is not new. Truth be told, the recruitment business was one of the first to really grasp the power of social media for accomplishing business objectives, realizing that the likes of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and beyond are the place their target market of jobseekers hang out. Consistently and cost-effectively attracting the best ability through social media is not as simple as some HR departments and recruitment organizations might think. The bes...

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Deploying a Talent Management Solution to Maximize Your Business Efficiency

Ever wondered that instead of putting your maximum efforts to carry out HR tasks, you still don’t get desired outputs? Is there anything you are doing wrong or missing out? Maybe not. But there are many such aspects that play a vital role in the hiring process which we are unaware of. Only hard work doesn’t hold the key to success, present time demands some smart tactics and latest technology trends too. With the expansion of technology, we have found automated software which can just transform the HR tasks completely.

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Enhancing the On-boarding Experience of New-Hires

Regardless of whether a customer enjoyed shopping at a specific store is unquestionably connected to the experience with the employees in the store. In addition to this, online competition has caused an expansion in the standard of customer service that is now required, with consumers heavily researching their purchases, comparison shopping and seeking convenience. It is now more vital than ever for the HR function of retailers to create and support a company culture that grasps a positive shopping experience for each customer.

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Noticeable Impact of GDPR on the HR Industry!

In the past few years, technology has so rapidly expanded that the HR industry has experienced a noticeable transformation. Getting a huge set of latest talent management tools in the form of software has really streamlined hiring and made it easier and accurate than ever before. Along with this advancement, followed a huge personal data of employees or staff whi...

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Smart Recruitment Technologies Which Leave Behind the ATS!

Are you still struggling with piles of resumes and filtering out the suitable ones manually? Majority of you would say yes while others have already made a switch to a smarter alternative. Instead of spending hours and engaging huge staff while sorting the resumes, organizations switched to an automated platform which automatically analyzes all the resumes and keeps a track of the suitable ones. The talent management software has this feature already inbuilt in its structure...

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How Talent Pooling Can do Wonders for Your Organization?

In this agile and ever-changing world, candidates apply for multiple roles at the same time and have almost no time for a slow and obsolete recruitment process. And, why should they? In a time where technology makes our lives easier, for what reason would not candidates expect the same for their recruitment process? The reality of the situation is if you are on the back foot and hiring reactively, you are likely losing out on the best talent. Being a part of a hiring community means that you will connect with the right individu...

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